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All was organized and planned quite fast, so it was not ideal (places to visit vs. places to sleep at). Also weather did not seem promising.
Completely we did about 1080km.
The main plan for Saturday was to get into Bude, where we had hostel booked, with stop at Dartmouth Castle and coast line. BTW if you are going to be in Bude, I can only recommend North Shore Bude hostel. Cheap, clean, good atmosphere. No problems even street name suggests otherwise (Killerton Road :-) )
Before getting to pictures, keep in mind that there are more on other pages. Just small example:
Wells Cathedral
On our way to Dartmouth I noticed information table Cheddar Caves and Gorge next to A5. I asked jokingly my companion if we make one detour. <NO ANSWER/>. So after seeing it again I was bit more persuative. Simply, 3 attractive words in name of one attraction (Cheddar is brand of cheese FYI) cannot be passed by easily :-) . So we left motorway and kept following brown tables with mighty help of GPS navigator that wanted to protest in the beginning. Soon enough we spotted restaurant with interesting name - Lamb Inn, which sounds like Lamb In, that associates easily with Drive-in and also Lamb Inside(TM), so we had good joke for all 3 days. We did not stop, because we were on the road less than 2 hours which is quite soon to eat.
When we got to Cheddar we realized there si no place to park before getting into local sight-seeing bus so we abandoned our idea. On the way back Zuzka spotted label Wells and she announced that we are going there to check out Wells Cathedral that has been on her Must See list for some time already.
We were more patient this time, making circles in parking lot for about 15 minutes before we parked and got to Cathedral. I did not want to invest 5.90 GBP, so I did not take any pictures from inside. Zuzka made many, but you know the rule - only pictures done by my Nikon are published here :-D
After some incorrectly selected roads (our navigator was quite slow and some turns were announced too late) we finally got to queue for ferry. Problem was that we were not aware of such an obstacle. Even Google Maps shows the ferry as normal road! Our wait lasted for more than one hour, so being in queue we realized we have no chance to get to castle before closing at 4pm :-(
That thing slowed us down considerably!
Sun is quite low, nice for atmosphere, but we cannot expect any sunshine when we get to castle :-( That is also reason I do not show any photos of it here.
That reflection got my interest, but I was not able to make decent composition. That old building on the right is not castle, that is on other side of bay.