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All was organized and planned quite fast, so it was not ideal (places to visit vs. places to sleep at). Also weather did not seem promising.
Completely we did about 1080km.
Last day of our trip is raining again. Still we went to our first destination. Unfortunately it is not 120km far like it was yesterday and it is still raining there... Thus we looked around Tintagel Castle (without paying for possibility to get completely soaked ;-) ) and headed home.
Tintagel Castle
I have found this place by looking for waterfalls in Cornwall, but to see pressumed place where King Arthur lived is not bad too :-) Fortunatelly, video played on place made clear that everything were only legends tweaked by needs of their authors and rewriters. But you never know ;-)
Only a few photos, because of rain and not paying to get up the hill to see ruins from close distance. Not to mention that we paid for only 1 hour of parking.
Going home sooner than expected was fine, but now we started to think about stopping somewhere for lunch. We remembered Lamb Inside(TM) :-) and were looking for something like that. We did not find anything, but we spotted information table Exeter Cathedral. Zuzka wanted to see architecture of Exeter before our trip, but there was no time for it in our plan. But thanks to the rain at the coast we had 2-3 hours to spare. So we got to centre, looked around and inside cathedral, checked out architecture there and found restaurant with delicious slowly roasted lamb shoulder. Finally!
This time I decided to pay 4 GBP to see interior of cathedral. It was the cheapest one from last trips and they did not give us any chance to skip voluntary fee :-) I do not regret that.
Exeter is full of freaks.