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Velická dolina
The first part of hike passes deforested areas after storm in 2004. I am not going to show any photos from this part, I leave it for winter photos, they are nicer.
So let's go to forest in Velická dolina now.
Autumn really begins. Even the weather does not hint it at all.
We are getting to mountain hotel Sliezky dom.
Velické Pleso
It is about 2 hours hike to hotel Sliezky dom near Velicke Pleso (lake). We are over forest and the views are much better now. It gets a bit windy, but it is still OK. People around me are in shorts and I would be too if it even occurred to me it is good idea to take my shorts to High Tatras in October!.
To Kvetnicové Pleso
But we are not there yet. We need to go up, along waterfall you have probably missed on previous panorama. It is not far away though.
Yogins met here, they will continue together. That means we will not go alone. And I have opportunity to focus on people. (Just kidding, I always strive to avoid edit them out of my photos ;-) ).
Well, maybe is is time to take a photo of my wonderful wife! And I am not going to photoshop her out :-)
Kvetnicové Pleso and surroundings
We got there, yogins grouped together, I took a few photos of them (see next section) and started to look around. Nice place. Just the Kvetnicové Pleso seems overrated...
Here it is, quite small and ugly. That's why I never heard about it before.
But you want to see yogins
So here you are. I've decided to svoid photos where people could recognize themselves. That includes also photos of guru.
This is only panorama of people I have ever taken. The concept of yoga fits well with slow process of making panorama.