
What is the most useless piece of unit test you have seen?

Added: August 17, 2008

Tags: java testing

When I was thinking what should be my first post in my new professional blog I have remembered test method (in one undisclosed code base) I have seen a few months ago. It was test for equals(). Rather amusing one, clearly not doing what it was intended for. (I have changed it a bit to protect author and I should state that it was written years ago, thus its author does not do these things anymore).

    public final void testEqualsObject() {
        final SomeObject objOne = // new ...
        final SomeObject objTwo = // new ...
        final SomeObject tmpObj = objOne;

        assertTrue("The equals() failed", objOne.equals(tmpObj));
        assertFalse("The equals() failed", objOne.equals(objTwo));

That assertTrue can test only default implementation of Object.equals that uses ==, but nothing more. assertFalse is a bit better, but not enough for quite complicated contract equals and hashCode have.

I have fixed it, unfortunatelly not in way I would like to - by usage of EqualsTester, because this and all other implementations of equals() use instanceof that is controversial enough to start fighting about right now.

Do me a favor, any time you need to test equals and hashCode use EqualsTester, please. You will not regret it in the long term.

What is the most useless piece of unit test you have seen? Your code done in past counts too ;-) How did you fix it?
